Cherry Hill High School East
Class of 1971

Total Alumni:


Joined this site:

89 (16%)

Invited, no response:

20 (4%)

After fifty-three years, it is time for another reunion. This website was designed as a tool for finding our missing classmates, a checklist to make sure nobody is forgotten. Before our next reunion, we would like to reach as many classmates as possible, harnessing our collective knowledge to locate those we have not heard from.

This is a free site: you will not be charged for use of this site; nor will the data gathered ever be sold, leased, or rented to anybody for spam, junk mail, etc. Also, this is a work-in-progress; I welcome any and all suggestions for improvement. Please report “bugs” or errors in the website, or any erroneous information, by e-mailing me here at

David Stockwell
Cherry Hill East 1970

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